Birth Relative Search

Searching for birth families can be a complex and emotional journey. The ICANZ team are here to support you. We're happy to share our personal experiences of finding and maintaining contact with birth relatives. We can advise you on the various ways this can be done.

Search and Reunion Articles, Tips

The I'm Adopted community/charity is an excellent resource for adult adopted people interested in search or just in connecting with other adopted people. Check out both their website and facebook page. The community is based in NZ but for adoptees worldwide.

ICAV provide many useful tips on searching and a helpful collection of experiences to give you some perspective on the range of experiences and feelings.

It is wise to read widely and talk to others to prepare yourself for contacting your birth family. Here are two articles that show some of the challenges.  and

Return Visits to Russia

Remember that adopted Russian children/young people must enter Russia on their Russian passport, not their New Zealand one. Renewing Russian passports can take up to 9 months, sometimes longer. You'll have to make a visit to the Consulate in Wellington and need a translator to help fill in the application. It takes time, so don't book trips until you have a current passport.  Other members of your family will need visas - these take time too. More information is on our Passports page.

Country Specific Information

Russian birth relative search

Thai birth relative search

Philippines birth relative search

Indian birth relative search